Monday, May 19, 2008

And so it begins

Welcome one and all to John and Rob's Weird World of Politics. We greatly apologize that you have stumbled upon our blog, but since ya' are here stay awhile and read some of the many marvelous commentaries and original works that we have so painstakingly taken the time to craft and post for your viewing enjoyment!

For those that care, a little back ground information about us. John and Rob both graduated from the University of Memphis, what seems like years ago with their Masters Degrees in Political Science. Unfortunately John had the bad foresite to attend the University of Mississippi for undergrad. Rob attended the University of Memphis for undergrad. Rob's areas of so called (at least he likes to believe so) specialties are Political Theory, Political Economics, and American Foreign Policy. John specialty is American Government, History, Narcotic Prohibition and Criminal Justice.
Disclaimer: John and Rob currently do not work in this field and have gone on to other areas of education and work, but keep in good practice by discussing many areas of politics on a regular basis over beer at the local pub!

And in closing, please feel to comment, share, and our personal favorite argue regarding the issues we raise in the blog.
We just have two rules when it comes to discussions:
First and foremost: absolutely without a shadow of a doubt no discrimination or racial slurs about any class of people, religion, sexual orientation, or anything else I missed. Yes, there is a thing as free speech, but that should in no way be confused with stupidity in speech! This is an open forum where all views are welcome and understanding is required.
Two: intelligible, well articulated points only. Because you do not hold a belief does not mean you can belittle it. A true test of a person is to be able to argue a point with logic and reason, and still know that other people can hold a different view. Any violation of these rules will result in deletion of your comments and ban...yes...I said it... ban you from this blog!

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